It all begins here and now….

Well here it is. My very first blog. I originally wanted it to show all the things we love most; dance, art, mother earth, our family…. and then something happened. The dream that I always had, before giving birth to identical twin girls, was to travel the world, every single inch of it! That dream has not disappeared, it has only dynamically surfaced with my Ladies added to it! It’s like the universe instructed me to “carefully insert twins HERE”! And that is what I plan to do. (yes, I know, I started a sentence with ‘and’). That’s the beauty of a blog. I can write WHATEVER i want, HOWEVER I want! 🙂

I am going to give this my best effort and I can’t wait to hear feedback. Positive criticism, advice, fun stuff, help. Please do not send negativity our way. Thanks!

Stay tuned……….